DEAR FRIEND, I wrote to you a long letter yesterday, partly in fulfilment of my promise to send you a copy of the Rev. Nichols-Roy's address and, if I could trace it, Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah's address. I have not been able yet to lay hands on the reference I told you I had heard read to me. But I got the Muslim League Council's resolution which speaks volumes, at any rate, for me. Both these things, without my letter, I handed to Sudhir Ghosh to be given to you. The letter I withheld at the instance of Agatha Harrison, Horace Alexander and Sudhir Ghosh who thought that it was likely to produce an effect contrary to what I had expected. I did not share their view because we have known each other for so many years. I lay no stress upon the fact that we have known each other for such a long time for we have had no contact for years after our meeting during the stirring days of the Suffragette Movement. The bond that was then created could not, I felt, be easily snapped and so I presumed to write frankly to lay bare my mind to you. That I felt was due to you if I was to be a friendly adviser to the Mission which you are leading. Nevertheless I yielded to the advice of the three friends. I have told them that they are at liberty to describe to you the whole of the conversation between them and me. Yours sincerely, M. K. GANDHI C.W.M.G : Vol. 84, Item : 408